Friday, June 27, 2008

Presentation ideas 6/27

Web 2.0 Tools -- emphasize -- they are tools.

Original idea of the internet was the web 2.0 idea. Basically allowing interaction.

Help focus on student-centered learning. More collaboration.

Use the same principles that are being used by students -- show them how they are using librarian skills in facebook and other sites. Help connect to understanding that those who use those applications best can apply what they do to their academic work.

Remove the fear of using these ideas. If we are looking to have students think about art and design in new ways, it helps to integrate new technologies.

A key is to not make the class about the tool, but to use the tool to enhance what is being learned about.

Also, students are easily able to work together in groups.

With the relationship with faculty, their has to be a structure and an understanding in the library of how to do these things -- to serve as a template for them and to serve as a structure to stand on. The main idea to get across is that their are a lot of ways to use these tools, and not to be intimidated by the amount of them -- or to feel the need to use them all. What the library can do is create different projects as information sources to serve as examples -- this way the information source is there even as we teach students and faculty how to build their own.

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